Staff Blog
こんにちは。OLENO新入社員の裕貴(ひろき)です。 OLENOにメンバー入りをして約3ヶ月。ちまたで話題のOLENOは、アウトドア全般の高機能靴下を作っているのですが、その中でもトレイルランニングに関しては、認知が広いとのこと。 自社製品のことをもっと知るには、ユーザーになるのが手っ取り早いと思い、トレイルランニングを始めてみました。 一応、中学から大学卒業まで10年間陸上競技をしていましたが、大学卒業後はスポーツマンだったとことが嘘かのように、飲んで・食べて・飲んでを繰り返す日々。 そんな状態が8年ほど続いての、トレイルランニングデビューだったので、とにかくきつかったのですが、そもそも普通のロードランニングと前提が違い過ぎて色々痛い目を見ました。 なので、自分の体験談を踏まえて、初めてのトレランで気を付けるべきこと・必要な準備をお伝えできればと思います。これからトレランに挑戦される方はぜひ参考にしてみてください。(すでにトレッキングをしている人だと当たり前のことかもしれませんが、、) 地図は絶対に用意すべし 僕が一番痛い目を見たのが、道に迷ったこと。 スマホに頼りっぱなしの現代っ子である自分は、山でも問題なくGoogleマップを見れるだろうとなんの準備もせずに山に入り、ものの見事に「電場が入らない、方向も分からない、詰んだ、、」という状況になってしまいました。 今回はネタとして捉えていますが、普通に考えるとめちゃくちゃ危険なので、必ず電波が不要な登山地図を持参してトレランに挑んでください。(脅すわけではありませんが、1年間の遭難件数が3015件で、その10%が死亡・行方不明になっています) かといって、めちゃくちゃ大きい登山地図に赤線を引いて、分岐が来るたびに広げて確認するといったことは必要ないです(笑) 最近は、山登り専用のスマホアプリが登場しており、登山地図が読めない自分みたいな人のために、スマホ上でルートを教えてくれます。地図をダウンロードしておけば、圏外でも全く問題ありません。 さらに、道をそれるとアラートがなったり、近くに同じアプリを持っている人がいるとその人のところに通知がいって、状況などを確認できたりもします。 ・YAMAP(僕はこちらを使用) ・ヤマレコ ・ジオグラフィカ が機能・使い勝手ともに人気で、無料で使うことができます(一部、有料でしか使えない機能あり) 下記サイトでそれぞれの違いがまとめられてので、自分に合いそうなのを探してみてください。 登山地図アプリのおすすめ人気ランキング【2024年】 格好は薄着で全く問題なし 格好に関しても迷う人が多いと思います。自分はけっこう無謀な人間なので、あまり参考になるかは分かりませんが、写真のような恰好で走っています。 ↑↑10月~11月 アームスリーブ 高性能ラン専用T 半ズボン ↑↑12月~2月 メリノウールのアームスリーブ カーフサポーター...
こんにちは。OLENO新入社員の裕貴(ひろき)です。 OLENOにメンバー入りをして約3ヶ月。ちまたで話題のOLENOは、アウトドア全般の高機能靴下を作っているのですが、その中でもトレイルランニ...
[2025 Edition] 4 trail races in Mie and Wakayam...
Hello, this is Hiroki from OLENO. We have introduced trail running races in each prefecture of the Kansai region, but now there are only two left (Wakayama and Mie prefectures)....
[2025 Edition] 4 trail races in Mie and Wakayam...
Hello, this is Hiroki from OLENO. We have introduced trail running races in each prefecture of...
[2025 Edition] 4 trail races in Nara Prefecture...
Hello, this is Hiroki from OLENO. We have introduced trail races held in the Kansai region so far, but this time we will introduce trail races held in the naturally...
[2025 Edition] 4 trail races in Nara Prefecture...
Hello, this is Hiroki from OLENO. We have introduced trail races held in the Kansai region so far...
"Keep them fluffy for longer!" A simple way to ...
My name is Hiroki and I continue to study wool. As I've written many blogs about wool and merino wool, I've suddenly realized that I've only written about good things......
"Keep them fluffy for longer!" A simple way to ...
My name is Hiroki and I continue to study wool. As I've written many blogs about wool and meri...
[2025 Edition] 5 trail races in Osaka Prefectur...
Hello, this is Hiroki from OLENO. We have introduced trail races held in the Kansai region, but this time we will introduce trail races held in the big city of...
[2025 Edition] 5 trail races in Osaka Prefectur...
Hello, this is Hiroki from OLENO. We have introduced trail races held in the Kansai region, bu...
[2025 Edition] 5 trail races in Hyogo Prefectur...
Hello. I'm Hiroki from OLENO. This is the third time we are introducing trail running races in the Kansai region. This time, we will introduce five trail races (2025 edition)...
[2025 Edition] 5 trail races in Hyogo Prefectur...
Hello. I'm Hiroki from OLENO. This is the third time we are introducing trail running races in...
[2025 Edition] 5 trail races in Kyoto that are ...
Nice to meet you, my name is Hiroki, a new staff member at OLENO. Previously, we introduced beginner-friendly trail races in the Kansai region, but we received requests for information...
[2025 Edition] 5 trail races in Kyoto that are ...
Nice to meet you, my name is Hiroki, a new staff member at OLENO. Previously, we introduced be...
[Use them according to the situation] The diffe...
Hello, I'm Hiroki, a new employee at OLENO. I have studied wool several times in the past, but this time I would like to summarize lamb's wool, which is said...
[Use them according to the situation] The diffe...
Hello, I'm Hiroki, a new employee at OLENO. I have studied wool several times in the past, but...
How to prevent wool from being eaten by moths a...
Hello. I'm Hiroki, a new staff member at OLENO. I've been studying wool for two months now, and I've gotten quite knowledgeable about it, and I've started to pay more...
How to prevent wool from being eaten by moths a...
Hello. I'm Hiroki, a new staff member at OLENO. I've been studying wool for two months now, an...
Disparities in Merino Wool
Hello. I'm Hiroki, a new staff member at OLENO. In order to become a wool master, I have studied the quality and bad qualities of wool and the existence of...
Disparities in Merino Wool
Hello. I'm Hiroki, a new staff member at OLENO. In order to become a wool master, I have studi...
[For serious runners] The power of socks that s...
Recently, with the emergence of gyms like ChocoZap that are easy to visit, many people have started running to lose weight and stay healthy. When I look at people like...
[For serious runners] The power of socks that s...
Recently, with the emergence of gyms like ChocoZap that are easy to visit, many people have st...
Calf Protection Development Story
The daytime temperatures are dropping, making it a good time to go for a run! I'm Nomaru, the developer. Calf protection that has been repeatedly tested for wear. The impetus...
Calf Protection Development Story
The daytime temperatures are dropping, making it a good time to go for a run! I'm Nomaru, the de...
[Here's the difference] Arm sleeves? Arm suppor...
Arm sleeves have many benefits, from preventing sunburn and cold to reducing arm fatigue, but they are actually called different things. Here we explain in detail the differences between arm...
[Here's the difference] Arm sleeves? Arm suppor...
Arm sleeves have many benefits, from preventing sunburn and cold to reducing arm fatigue, but the...
The role of socks with "arch support" is to pre...
Hello. I'm Hiroki, a new employee at OLENO. Today I'd like to talk about the soles of the human foot. I discovered that OLENO's trail running, trekking and running socks...
The role of socks with "arch support" is to pre...
Hello. I'm Hiroki, a new employee at OLENO. Today I'd like to talk about the soles of the human ...
[A must-read for trail running and marathon beg...
Anyone who does trail running, marathons, or road running will have problems at least once. Skin peeling due to sweaty feet Skin peeling due to blisters This is actually something...
[A must-read for trail running and marathon beg...
Anyone who does trail running, marathons, or road running will have problems at least once. ...
Merino wool is a high-quality wool. We looked i...
As I was studying about wool, I became interested in a type of wool called merino wool, so I looked into it. It is used in many OLENO products, so...
Merino wool is a high-quality wool. We looked i...
As I was studying about wool, I became interested in a type of wool called merino wool, so I look...
[Benefits] Wool or polyester? Learn the differe...
This time, we learned about the fibers used in socks. Each fiber has its pros and cons, so how can we combine them effectively to make the most of their...
[Benefits] Wool or polyester? Learn the differe...
This time, we learned about the fibers used in socks. Each fiber has its pros and cons, so how ca...
Uncovering the true nature of "wool" that you s...
I've been thoroughly unraveling the mysteries of wool, a material I've come across many times while studying socks. The more I research it, the more I'm amazed at how functional...
Uncovering the true nature of "wool" that you s...
I've been thoroughly unraveling the mysteries of wool, a material I've come across many times whi...
Autumn racing season has arrived!
I'm Nomaru, the developer. Last weekend, when big races were held all over the country, I had the pleasure of cheering on and working as an aid staff member for...
Autumn racing season has arrived!
I'm Nomaru, the developer. Last weekend, when big races were held all over the country, I had ...
[Latest update!] 7 recommended trail running ra...
Nice to meet you, my name is Hiroki, a new staff member at OLENO. In fact, I joined the OLENO staff on October 1, 2024, and I spend my days...
[Latest update!] 7 recommended trail running ra...
Nice to meet you, my name is Hiroki, a new staff member at OLENO. In fact, I joined the OLEN...