


3/15(土)に岐阜県岐阜市大宮町1丁目で開かれる「美濃國山城トレイル」にブース出店をさせていただきます。 岐阜県のトレイルレースに出店するのは初めてなので、今までお会いしたことがない方々とお会いできるのを楽しみにしております。 イベント当日は、 ・イベント特別価格での販売 ・全アイテムの試し履き をさせていただきます。   【日時】 2025年3月15日(土) 【場所】 岐阜公園(岐阜県岐阜市大宮町1丁目地内)


3/15(土)に岐阜県岐阜市大宮町1丁目で開かれる「美濃國山城トレイル」にブース出店をさせていただきます。 岐阜県のトレイルレースに出店するのは初めてなので、今までお会いしたことがない方々とお会...



3/8(土)に奈良県宇陀郡御杖村で開かれる「星降る夜のキャンプナイト」にブース出店をさせていただきます。 キャンプギアなどを販売するお店や、ものづくりを体験できるワークショップ、キッチンカーなどが集います。OLENOではアウトドアに使える靴下を中心に販売させていただく予定です。 また、 ・イベント特別価格での販売 ・全アイテムの試し履き もいつも通りさせていただきます。   【日時】 2025年3月8日(土) 【場所】 みつえ青少年旅行村(奈良県宇陀郡御杖村神末1790)


3/8(土)に奈良県宇陀郡御杖村で開かれる「星降る夜のキャンプナイト」にブース出店をさせていただきます。 キャンプギアなどを販売するお店や、ものづくりを体験できるワークショップ、キッチンカーなど...

3/2(日)小辺路TRAIL JOURNEY in 十津川へのブース出店

3/2(日)小辺路TRAIL JOURNEY in 十津川へのブース出店

3/2(日)に奈良県吉野郡十津川村で行われる小辺路TRAIL JOURNEY in 十津川にブース出店させていただきます。 【日時】 3/2(日)7:30~16:00 【場所】 奈良県吉野郡十津川村平谷909ー4 十津川温泉昴の郷 当日は ・イベント限定の限定価格での販売 ・各商品の試し履き を予定しております。 皆様のご来場お待ちしております。

3/2(日)小辺路TRAIL JOURNEY in 十津川へのブース出店

3/2(日)に奈良県吉野郡十津川村で行われる小辺路TRAIL JOURNEY in 十津川にブース出店させていただきます。 【日時】 3/2(日)7:30~16:00 【場所】 奈良県吉野郡十津...


2/2 (Sun) Katano Big Rock Trail 2025

We will be exhibiting at the Katano Big Rock Trail 2025, which will be held in Katano City, Osaka Prefecture on February 2nd. [Date and Time] 2/2 (Sun) 8:00-17:00 【place】...

2/2 (Sun) Katano Big Rock Trail 2025

We will be exhibiting at the Katano Big Rock Trail 2025, which will be held in Katano City, Osak...

1/19(日) 新春靴下の市へのブース出店

January 19th (Sunday) Booth at the New Year's S...

We will be setting up a stall at the New Year's Socks Market to be held at the Nara Park Bus Terminal on January 19th. This is an opportunity to...

January 19th (Sunday) Booth at the New Year's S...

We will be setting up a stall at the New Year's Socks Market to be held at the Nara Park Bus Ter...

12/7(土) IZU TRAIL JOURNEY  2024への出店

December 7th (Sat) Participation in IZU TRAIL J...

We will be setting up a booth at "IZU TRAIL JOURNEY" to be held on December 7th (Sat) and 8th (Sun). As an event bonus, ・Special prices only available at...

December 7th (Sat) Participation in IZU TRAIL J...

We will be setting up a booth at "IZU TRAIL JOURNEY" to be held on December 7th (Sat) and 8th (S...

12/7(土)、12/8(日) 奈良マラソンへの出店

December 7th (Sat) and 8th (Sun) Participating ...

We will be setting up a booth at the Nara Marathon, which will be held on Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th. Unlike previous years, we will be setting...

December 7th (Sat) and 8th (Sun) Participating ...

We will be setting up a booth at the Nara Marathon, which will be held on Saturday, December 7th...


Participating in the NINJA TRAIL RUN

We will have a booth at the "NINJA TRAIL RUN" to be held in Oyamada, Iga City, Mie Prefecture on November 3rd. We are also planning to offer special benefits...

Participating in the NINJA TRAIL RUN

We will have a booth at the "NINJA TRAIL RUN" to be held in Oyamada, Iga City, Mie Prefecture on ...


Participating in the LUMBERJACK TRAIL race

OLENO will have a booth at the LUMBERJACK TRAIL race being held this weekend. "Lumberjack" means "lumberjack" in English. Mitsue is a small village of forestry and agriculture. The LUMBERJACK...

Participating in the LUMBERJACK TRAIL race

OLENO will have a booth at the LUMBERJACK TRAIL race being held this weekend. "Lumberjack" mea...


Tokyo Great Bears official socks for sale

The Tokyo Great Bears is a professional volleyball team that was established in June 2022 when Nature Lab Co., Ltd. transferred the entire FC Tokyo volleyball team following the team's...

Tokyo Great Bears official socks for sale

The Tokyo Great Bears is a professional volleyball team that was established in June 2022 when...

Makuake 先行販売開始

Makuake advance sales start

This is the first new product release on the crowdfunding site Makuake since the "OLENO Sarasara Run T" released last year. "The new standard for wool!" These wool mesh short...

Makuake advance sales start

This is the first new product release on the crowdfunding site Makuake since the "OLENO Sarasara ...


OLENO RUN&CAMP recruitment has begun!

OLENO RUN&CAMP will be held in 2024. Recruitment has started from today. This event is aimed at people who want to start trail running, people who want to enjoy hiking,...

OLENO RUN&CAMP recruitment has begun!

OLENO RUN&CAMP will be held in 2024. Recruitment has started from today. This event is...


A conversation with NMB48's Kojima Karin!

I had a conversation with NMB48's Karin Kojima on "The interview." It's available on YouTube. He talks about the origins of the OLENO brand and his thoughts on manufacturing. We...

A conversation with NMB48's Kojima Karin!

I had a conversation with NMB48's Karin Kojima on "The interview." It's available on YouTube. ...


Official LINE account opened!

The official OLENO LINE account has been opened. Looking for friends! Please register. We will be bringing you the latest information on OLENO as soon as possible, and we will...

Official LINE account opened!

The official OLENO LINE account has been opened. Looking for friends! Please register. We wi...

2024年も TRAIL OPEN AIR DEMO 出店します!

We will be holding the TRAIL OPEN AIR DEMO agai...

We will be setting up a stall at TOAD again this year, which will be held on Saturday, April 6th and Sunday, April 7th at Nagayama Park in Ome City...

We will be holding the TRAIL OPEN AIR DEMO agai...

We will be setting up a stall at TOAD again this year, which will be held on Saturday, April 6th...

アートスポーツ本店 ランニングEXPOに参加!

Participating in the Art Sports Main Store Runn...

A special OLENO corner will be set up at the Running EXPO, hosted by Art Sports Main Store, which will be held on February 23rd (Fri), 24th (Sat), and 25th...

Participating in the Art Sports Main Store Runn...

A special OLENO corner will be set up at the Running EXPO, hosted by Art Sports Main Store, whic...

BIG ROCK TRAIL に出店してきました!

We had a stall at BIG ROCK TRAIL!

We set up a booth at Katano Big Rock Trail, which was held on Monday, February 12th. Thank you very much to all our users who stopped by and made...

We had a stall at BIG ROCK TRAIL!

We set up a booth at Katano Big Rock Trail, which was held on Monday, February 12th. Thank you...


Participated in a pop-up market at Mitsue Villa...

We will be setting up an OLENO booth at the "Pop-up Market in Winter Travel Village" held at Mitsue Youth Travel Village in Nara Prefecture. Saturday, February 3rd and Sunday,...

Participated in a pop-up market at Mitsue Villa...

We will be setting up an OLENO booth at the "Pop-up Market in Winter Travel Village" held at Mit...


Exhibiting at SIMEx2024

This will be the first exhibition of 2024. OLENO will only be exhibiting at the Tokyo exhibition.

Exhibiting at SIMEx2024

This will be the first exhibition of 2024. OLENO will only be exhibiting at the Tokyo exhibitio...


December event booth announcement!

December 9th (Sat) - 10th (Sun) Nara Marathon EXPO December 9th (Sat) IZU TRAIL JOURNEY We look forward to seeing you at the OLENO booth!

December event booth announcement!

December 9th (Sat) - 10th (Sun) Nara Marathon EXPO December 9th (Sat) IZU TRAIL JOURNEY ...