12/7(土)、12/8(日) 奈良マラソンへの出店

December 7th (Sat) and 8th (Sun) Participating in the Nara Marathon

We will be setting up a booth at the Nara Marathon, which will be held on Saturday, December 7th and Sunday, December 8th. Unlike previous years, we will be setting up at a special booth within the booth of our main sponsor, Muramoto Construction.

This year, we will also be selling official Nara Marathon collaboration goods.


・Special prices only available at the event

・Try on each product

This is planned.

Arm Sleeve UL and Comod(y) Quarter Nara Marathon collaboration model

Please stop by the OLENO booth on the day.

Location: Roto Field Nara (Konoike Athletics Stadium, Nara City)

Date and time: Both days (12/7, 12/8)

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